Wednesday, October 25, 2023

The Child Support System: Evaluating Fairness and Its Impact on Men's Mental Health

 The child support system stands as a pillar of our society, designed with noble intentions to safeguard the well-being of children, ensuring that they receive the financial support they need. It's a system that many consider essential to promoting the best interests of the youngest members of our society. However, beneath the veneer of good intentions lies a complex landscape filled with challenges and nuances, especially when it comes to its perceived fairness, which, for many men, has become a subject of concern.

This essay delves into the multifaceted realm of the child support system, where we examine the perception of fairness and its potential consequences, particularly for the mental health of men who find themselves navigating this intricate terrain. While child support is undeniably crucial for securing the financial stability of children, it is equally imperative to evaluate whether the system is equitable for all parties involved. In doing so, we cannot ignore the growing body of evidence that suggests a troubling link between child support issues and the mental well-being of fathers who are striving to fulfill their responsibilities.

In the following pages, we will first provide an overview of the child support system, shedding light on its objectives and mechanisms. We will then explore the challenges faced by men who actively care for their children and find themselves entangled in the web of child support obligations. As we move forward, we will delve into the emotional and psychological toll that this system can take on men, discussing instances of depression, anxiety, and stress that often accompany their journeys.

Furthermore, we will examine the connection between child support issues and the alarming risk of suicidal ideation among men, emphasizing the need to address this critical concern. This essay will advocate for the inclusion of mental health support and resources within the child support system, aiming to assist both custodial and non-custodial parents, who often bear the weight of these obligations.

In a fair and compassionate society, the child support system must be administered in a manner that upholds the welfare of children while also recognizing the mental health and well-being of all individuals involved. Striking this balance is paramount, and as we conclude this exploration, we will underscore the need for reforms that foster a more equitable and supportive environment within the child support system.

As we embark on this journey, it becomes evident that the child support system, while undeniably important, is not without its challenges and potential pitfalls. It is our collective responsibility to ensure that this system aligns with our values of fairness and empathy, extending its care not only to the children it serves but also to the men who seek to fulfill their parental obligations, often in the face of overwhelming challenges.  

The child support system, rooted in the principle of providing financial support for children, plays a crucial role in ensuring their well-being. Established with noble intentions, it aims to guarantee that children receive the financial resources they need to thrive, even in situations where parents are separated or divorced. The system typically operates through court orders, ensuring that non-custodial parents contribute financially to the upbringing of their children.  The primary objective of the child support system is to secure the financial stability of children. This is achieved through various mechanisms, including court orders.  

 Family courts typically issue child support orders, outlining the financial obligations of non-custodial parents. These orders are legally binding and require regular payments.  Child support obligations are often determined based on the income of the non-custodial parent. Courts use formulas that take into account income, the number of children, and other relevant factors. Child support agencies are responsible for enforcing court-ordered child support payments. They have the authority to collect payments through various means, including wage garnishment and asset seizure.

While the system's objectives are clear and commendable, it is essential to examine how it functions in practice and whether it achieves its goals without causing undue burden or harm to any party involved.  The child support system, while designed to provide for children's well-being, often poses challenges and complexities for men who actively care for their children. These challenges can vary, but they frequently revolve around the following areas:

A. Custody and Visitation Arrangements - One of the initial challenges that many fathers face in the child support process pertains to custody and visitation arrangements. Disputes over custody can be emotionally charged, and visitation schedules can sometimes be contentious. Men who desire an active role in their children's lives may find themselves in lengthy legal battles to secure the custody arrangements they believe are in the best interest of their children.

B. Financial Burdens and Payment Obligations - The financial obligations imposed by child support orders can also be a source of significant strain for non-custodial fathers. These obligations often demand a substantial portion of their income, which can affect their ability to meet their own financial needs, such as housing, healthcare, and basic living expenses. For some, these obligations may lead to financial instability.

C. Communication and Dispute Resolution - Effective communication between co-parents is essential for smooth child support arrangements. However, strained relationships, misunderstandings, and disagreements can hinder communication. Disputes regarding child support payments or other matters can escalate, leading to further emotional distress for all parties involved.  

Navigating the intricate and often adversarial child support system can take a toll on men's mental health. The emotional and psychological burdens they face can be overwhelming, leading to various mental health challenges:

A. Depression - Men entangled in the child support system may experience feelings of hopelessness and despair. The financial strain and legal battles can contribute to symptoms of depression, affecting their overall well-being.

B. Anxiety - The uncertainty surrounding child support payments, custody arrangements, and ongoing disputes can lead to heightened anxiety. Men may constantly worry about meeting their financial obligations and maintaining their relationships with their children.

C. Stress - The chronic stress associated with child support issues can have far-reaching consequences. It can impact physical health, relationships, and overall quality of life. Stress-related health problems may further exacerbate the situation.  

One of the most alarming aspects of the impact of the child support system on men's mental health is the link to suicidal ideation. Research suggests that men facing overwhelming child support burdens may be at a heightened risk of experiencing thoughts of self-harm or suicide.  Studies, such as those conducted by mental health professionals and researchers, have highlighted a concerning correlation between child support issues and suicidal ideation among men. These studies often reveal that the stressors associated with child support disputes, financial strain, and feelings of helplessness can contribute to increased rates of suicidal thoughts.  Recognizing this connection is vital for addressing the issue effectively. It underscores the importance of providing mental health support and resources within the child support system to assist fathers who may be struggling with their mental well-being.  

One of the central issues within the child support system is the fairness of the financial burden placed on non-custodial parents, often fathers. Many argue that fathers should not have to give up 30% or more of their income, while the court does not hold mothers accountable for obtaining a job to contribute to child support. To address this concern and promote fairness, reforms are necessary.  Reforms should consider the income imbalance between custodial and non-custodial parents. Courts should assess each parent's financial situation and base child support obligations on their respective incomes, ensuring that the burden is proportionate and fair.  

To promote shared parental responsibility, reforms should also focus on encouraging both parents to contribute to child support. This could involve providing opportunities and incentives for non-custodial parents to actively participate in their children's lives and share financial responsibilities. A balanced approach must hold both parents accountable for employment and financial contributions when appropriate. This accountability should be applied without gender bias, recognizing that both mothers and fathers may have career responsibilities.  

While advocating for reforms and support services, it is essential to maintain a balanced approach to child support. The welfare of children remains a paramount concern, and the system must continue to fulfill its primary objective. However, achieving this goal should not come at the expense of the mental health and well-being of the parents, particularly fathers who are committed to fulfilling their parental obligations.  

Efforts to reform the child support system should aim to strike a balance between ensuring children's financial stability and considering the financial capacity and mental health of non-custodial parents. Equitable solutions must be pursued, considering the unique circumstances of each family. A balanced approach also entails a child-centered focus, where the best interests of the child are central. This includes promoting healthy relationships between children and both parents and ensuring that financial support serves the child's needs without causing undue hardship to the paying parent.  

In conclusion, the child support system plays an essential role in safeguarding the financial well-being of children in separated or divorced families. However, it is equally crucial to address the challenges faced by men within this system, as these challenges can have profound effects on their mental health. The emotional and psychological toll of navigating the child support system can result in depression, anxiety, and stress for many fathers. Furthermore, the concerning link between child support issues and an increased risk of suicidal ideation underscores the urgency of addressing this issue comprehensively. Reforms that prioritize mental health support services and promote mediation and conflict resolution can significantly alleviate the emotional distress faced by parents. 

Balancing the system to ensure fairness for all parties involved while maintaining a child-centered focus is essential for creating a more equitable and compassionate child support system.  In a society that values fairness, empathy, and the well-being of children, it is our collective responsibility to address the challenges posed by the child support system. By doing so, we can create an environment where responsible parents, including fathers, can fulfill their obligations without sacrificing their mental health or well-being.  It is time to move toward a child support system that truly serves the best interests of all involved, promoting financial stability for children while supporting the mental health and overall welfare of parents who strive to provide for their families.  As we strive for this balance, let us remember that it is not merely a matter of policy but a reflection of our values as a compassionate and fair society.


  1. Lin, I-Fen. "Perceived Fairness and Compliance with Child Support Obligations." Journal of Marriage and Family, Vol. 62, No. 2, 2000, pp. 388-398.

  2. Kim, Yoona, and Daniel R. Meyer. "Perceptions of Fair Treatment and Child Support." Institute for Research on Poverty, University of Wisconsin–Madison.

  3. Rivlin, Ram. "Fairness in Allocations of Parental Responsibilities, and the Limits of Law." Cambridge University Press, Published online on June 5, 2020.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Here's what i think about the Canon EOS R after seven months.

Now ive had this camera for a good 7 months and i will first all state that this camera is a beast! Now i was NOT paid to use this camera like other content creators I went in the store and bought it like a normal person. When i got the Camera it also came with a 24-105 F4 lens and i will say me using that lens is pretty dope! What impressed me about that kit lens was the silent auto was actually pretty sharp for a kit lens!. Now they have came out with other RF lenes and i have yet to buy one yet because lets be real here...they are expensive as hell. Price ranges 2-3 thousand dollars per lens! the next lens i would buy for this camera is the 35mm 1.8 RF lol its well within my current price range for what i would like to pay for a lens right now. Battery: The Battery on this camera is pretty cool...i think you get a least 3-500 shots out of one battery which is fine. The battery that it uses is the LP-E6n, the same battery as the Canon 5D Mark IV. I tried using my older batteries from my canon 6D (LP-E6) and yes it works however i am unable to charge the battery via usb C nor will I be able to charge the batteries while using the grip BG-E22. Specs: As for the sensor i was and still impressed with it. It uses the same sensor thats in the 5D But the EOS R uses a Digic 8 image processor at 30.3 Mega pixels for the Cmos sensor as well while the 5D uses the digic 6 image processor with a 30.4 mega pixel for their Cmos sensor. The EOS R shoots 720P (23,24,60,120FPS), 1080P (23,24,60FPS), and also 4K as well. the only two issues i have in this department is that 4k is cropped at 1.7 and i can only shoot 120 frames per second only in 720P. i would also add that i can shoot 24 frames per second i would have to have a display attached to be able to shoot exactly 24 frames per seconds. I also finally was able to shoot in c-log as well! some of the videos i was posting on my channel i was messing around with c-log and i will tell you color grading will be your best friend when using c-log. When shooting in c-log you are given a choice for 8 bit or 10 bit as well. Lens: I feel this was one of the selling points for me to get this camera. The EOS R uses a RF mount but as i said earlier their new lens are expensive! So canon knew this and when you purchased a adapter you they gave you one for free. The adapter that comes with is a standard mount adapter for your EF lenses. meaning with this camera i am able to use all of the basic lens, the L series lens, and the new RF lens as well. not pretty bad when you think about it. because when and if i want to shoot in 4k for my youtube videos or weddings i can just get a Canon 10-18 STM and have that ultra wide view to make up for the crop. The one thing i do love about the RF lenes is the control ring. i am able to use the control ring to control my ISO, Shutter, or aperture in my configured settings. The only drawback i dont like is that some lenes will not work with the EOS R . i have a older model 70-200 by tamron and i can only shoot manual when using it with the EOS R. Handles: When compared to the sony A7III i think this camera is better design wise..when i had the sony a7III in my hands i legit felt like i was going to drop the camera in the store. it just didn't feel ergonomic to me. with the R it just felt good in my hands and i just felt more confident when holding it. It really feel better when you pair it with the battery grip. thats what i use when i go shoot weddings. Overall: This camera was a sleeper on everybody. I feel like canon could've added more like the missing dual slots the inbody stabilization and no cropping on the 4k hopefully if the rumors is true the next mirror less will have the better features that they messed up on. So who would i say this camera is for? Me personally i would say it will be good for a photographer. I shoot weddings and i have no problem with it and when i get my feet wet i will shoot some sports games with it as well. Like i said in my previous video when i unboxed it. i feel that this is the 5d mk4 little brother thats just missing some things the 5d mk4 has. If you have the money to get a canon 6d mark 2 you should just go ahead and just get the EOS R

Monday, October 28, 2019

I think im done with my local FGC community for a minute...and here's why.

Now i bet your wondering why i am making this post lol  Whelp sit back and have a drink because i am going to do my best to explain why i think i am done with my where should i start?

I think it was way back in 2009...street fighter IV just dropped..i knew NOTHING about the FGC...but whats so funny about this Ive probably played against and got my ass handed to all the top players at our arcades that we have/had here in Michigan...i can honesty say that the only two arcades Ive only been to once is wizards and Rosco's...all the other places my step dad always took me and my brother to go play...but any who...

I never knew such a world exist outside my normal life at the time...So when i heard that game stop was having a tournament i was deciding if i was gonna go or not...i thought about it at the last minute to go because i was unsure as to how good i was gonna do...welp to my surprise i ended up getting 2nd blah blah blah...Met a couple players and just like that they told me about tournaments and such and such...

Playing in tournaments is a whole new least for was all this shit that i honesty never knew about in fighting games...footsies, i heard of turtling lol,  proper spacing, FRAME DATA, shortcuts...all that that point i knew i was way behind...the only thing that i just could not catch on was learning frames lol...i legit would just look at a move that my opponent threw out and if it was a delay i just knew i could punish it ::shrugs:: THAT IT...that's all i knew...i didn't know the whole meta game of how to make reads and bait my opponent so i ended up having to learn the hard way lol

The scene i was in at the time was VERY competitive at the time.  Everybody was matter which game people were willing to learn the game, break it down and learn the match ups and grind ed shit out.  too be honest i thought at one point Michigan was really the best in the Midwest but that's an argument i will save for some other time lol.

Fast forward about two- three years ago...i cant pin point it but i will honestly say i knew the scene was headed in a fucked up direction...every time i spoke up about came off as hating and that "we need to move the community forward" as some of the things that people would say....There was a certain someone in our community that literally hijacked our annual tournament and made it into his own circus show..something that i was somewhat apart of when it first started..our scene pretty much went from a competitive scene to a PG-13 E-sports show with no money involved.  pretty much people cant voice their opinions with feeling insulted , we have to somehow coddle these people so their feelings don't get hurt...but when they leave and go to a out of town tournament the shit talking and loud yelling gets to them and they get they shit pushed in and then wanna place blame on the community for not helping them prepare for shit like that....

So now that you have some of the history lets fast forward to this year bullshit that has caused a big ass divide within our community...Sooooooooooooo this bullshit all started with a tweet from someone in our community..they pretty accused him of being sexist because of what he said in the tweet...but if you really know the guy he's actually a cool trolling guy...when i saw who the tweet was from i just knew it was gonna blow up because of what he said...this ain't the first time he said some wild shit like this before so ehh whatever...but what he didn't realize is he started something so damn epic that it was the start of the divide of our community.  Because of that tweet people with the alphabet group felt uneasy and didn't feel safe because of that tweet...again the tweet that pretty much said a GIRL was gonna go 0-2 made people get in their feelings.

That tweet also costed us a venue as well..and it also caused drama between each other as well...So now that we didn't have a venue again, people don't feel safe,  we pretty much had to start all over.  So what one of the community leaders did was he took it upon himself (and me in the background) to go back to where we were playing at before we went all esports...lucky for us we left on a good note and they welcomed us back with open arms (not really lol) but we were there...So what we did was he started charging people five bucks to come play and that's it...he gathered over $500 dollars playing and we legit didn't know what we wanted to do with the money...the options were:

  1. Buy equipment
  2. donate the money to a good cause
  3. add it to the pot bonus for the next event that we run
NOBODY couldn't make a was a group effort...people couldn't make up their minds as to what they wanted to do with the money..honestly we shouldn't of gave them a input and just picked one and just lived with it...because what ima about to tell you what happened after this was fucked up.

Now this lil fucker (yes fuck this guy for life) he is another person that caused the divide in our community and already had intentions of doing this (he admitted to it in a private chat he didn't know i had access too ) ...he messaged me asking me what were we doing with the money because he left the group and he didn't know what was going on so he wanted a update.  So he pretty much told me he wanted his money back...ehhh say what?  yea...dude legit said he wanted his five bucks back....nah man this ain't how it works...if its one thing when i know shit ain't right i knew shit wasn't right...the way he was talking to me was as he was pasting the same messages to the other person which was my boy...i called him up and yep he confirmed that he was sending the same messages to both of we told him this (well my boy did lol)  that we will let him in the group....and let him ask the community can he get his five bucks back...if they said yea then aye we would've sent that shit paypal, cashapp to whatever the fuck email he gave us...but ehh it didn't go too well for buddy..he pretty much got ROASTED for that shit..real bad....too the point i had to delete the post...that how bad it was...but what i didn't realize what he did was this...

While he was in the group...fuck boy legit went through every post about the funds gathered screenshots, and pretty much accused me and my homeboy for stealing the community money.  now if its one thing i know the FGC as a whole hates thieves and mos def hate when community leaders steal money as well...its one thing if he posted this shit on his Face book i could easily contain the situation at bare min but aye MY FUCKING REP IS ON THE LINE HERE. but the fuck boy blasted that shit on twitter....and it somewhat spreaded like wildfire.  when i was informed of this i was pissed.  because here i am trying to do something good for the community and this fuckboy is trying to bring us down. i was so upset i said some things i shouldn't of said lol because where i am from you dont accuse someone of stealing and not have proof..that's how you get shot,  that's how you get beat up and "pistol whipped" lol

So someone screenshots my comment and next thing you know this happened

This move right here was a PR move...a move that could've got us banned from other events across the country...they purposely did that because i think other tournament orgs follow them...and if they saw it (which i am pretty sure) then it could push for more bans.  all because i was trying to protect my rep..I already knew what kinda move it was and pretty much decided to not say anything til now...but the people that are on this "list" except for one (he competes) were somewhat of community leaders, Two out of the 4 had some type of influence on the community in a way.  but this move they did kinda backfired on them.  no other tournaments banned us, and the whole Detroit scene and others has stated that if they banned they will not attend this event.  moving along.

So with this year being all about rebuild me and my boy tried to get something going and it had alil steam but because it was located in Detroit people wasn't really fucking with it.  it got to the point that every Friday i was taking time out of my busy ass life to come to Detroit (because i was coming from novi and now belleville) to open up my dad spot, so people could come play...some weeks it was good...some weeks we was dead as hell...and it started to bother me i thought either it was the location or because people dont really fuck with me like that (because of all that shit that went what did was i did a week i decided to switch the casuals to the location that the Monday sessions were on...and only the same people only showed up...not gonna kinda hurted... knew it was coming and i knew that it was gonna love lost to them i wish them the best. i just hope they have everything in order.  

Another yearly event is coming up (youmacon) and too be honesty i don't think i will go...because the same people that fucked our scene up is running the tournament and i cant be around people like that...its gotten to the point now that i don't even wanna show up on Monday's to much as i would love too i just don't want to anymore...i see why krone and at the time el chakotay didn't show up because they didn't wanna deal with the bullshit.  After a whole year of dealing with that bullshit i am just burned out and just felt like i was NEVER given a fair shake.  and too some people they would just agree with shit just so they can put their people in the right place by kissing ass (you know who you are if you read this)

So i am done with the Mifgc for now...I'll only show up to casuals at people house that i fuck with to get better and that's it.  y'all will just see me at majors or my Face book if y'all still have me as friends after reading all this shit.  I've tried to let this shit go  but its just somethings i just cant and this is the way i am dealing with it.  So if i fuck with you invite me to your house casuals but outside of that i will not show up to any Michigan ran tournaments for awhile.  I'll just be at home trying to be a family man that y'all always clowned me on.  peace

Oh and PS if you feel some type of way about this shit feel free to hit me up..I'm not deleting this shit so that's out the question..its ALOT of shit i left out because  i would've been here all night typing this shit. 

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Wednesday, October 16, 2019

I seriously hate the shoe game now a days.

Before i start let me start by saying this .  I've literally been buying shoes since the early 2000's...Every shoe I have in my collection I've bought for myself...not to resell... me standing in line waiting for those doors to open up...Rain sleet snow HAIL you name it i legit been in it when i wanted a shoe...every release i was there if i had the money..

Awhile back when kanye west was with Nike getting his shoes were hard as fuck to get.  Stores were back dooring shoes and they were charging hiked up prices to even get in the line to be able to purchase the shoes...the resell market for those shoes were crazy as hell.  I've never though a gym shoe made by Nike would be worth 1-2k at that time...This is when i knew the shoe game was getting really fucked up because by then every shoe that came out had an extra hype on it.  If a celeb wore it chances of you getting that shoe was very slim...DUNKS were even harder to get back in the day as well. at this point i knew the shoe game was getting out of hand with all the hypebeasting going on...

I took a big ass break when i went though my divorce because funds were alil tight and i had kids. So i just bought shoes here and there...or what not but ive always kept my ear around seeing what shoe dropped.  while i working one day kanye out of nowhere released his second signature show Air Yeezy 2 but this time it was in a Red October colorway. was impossible to get to and i wanted the shoe but i didn't get paid for another three days so i had to sit back and watch the shit show...i later wanted a pair so when i had "enough" money to see what the resell was going for thats when it fucked me up...these re-sellers wanted 5 fucking k for that shoe....FIVE FUCKING KAY for a shoe that JUST released....i lost my shit and know that the old ways of buying shoes was pretty much over.  shoes dont just sit in stores anymore if you aint the first 30 in line you might just take your L and go home.

Enough of the history lesson ima just explain to you why i really hate the shoe game now.  Its too much going on...more stores but now this era is about the limited releases...companies are now going the "limited" route. create hype so the shoes sell out..but the only problem is the resellers.  The resellers are fucking the game up and i bet your sitting here (if you a reseller)

WhAtEvEr NiGgA sToP hAtInG

But issue i have with resellers is the crazy ass uphike in the shoes...a shoe would cost 180 in the store and yall will legit sit here and sell them for 60 bucks more or some of you resellers will double or triple the price.  Back then in the niketalk days (just showed my age lol) shoes would over the time would be worth two to three times the amount now a days yall trying to get that money upfront...shit is nuts...resellers fuck the game up for people who actually want and wear the shoes...i just literally dislike it...reselling is dumb as shit when your reselling it for an extra 4- 50 bucks...IMO thats a waste of time...Lets go over some different types of reseller.

Broke reseller - This guy right here is the one you actually wanna be cool with:

  1. this guy will literally come in clutch for you because he think he's big shit but in the end he taking L's wasting his time...
  2. this guy will seriously wait in line buy the shoe, resell the shoe that day for an 60 buck profit. 
  3. if nobody bites on his price he will legit sell the shoe for retail taking a L on his time wasted.  

These the type of re-sellers i see in my local Facebook groups on every shoe release lol

Smart reseller:
This the guy your gonna hate. he knows when every shoe is coming out. 
  1. He knows which stores is getting which shoe and how many pairs they are getting
  2. Cool with most of the managers or someone close that knows the information, and will backdoor every hyped shoe that comes out 
  3. Will pay people 30-50 bucks to stand in line for him so he can get the shoes.
  4. Will have stores fuck up the raffles so all his pairs win.
  5. resells shoes for double or triple the amount
  6. Will buy the broke reseller pairs for the LOWBALL and resell at three times the rate or the going rate for the shoes.
Thats just some of the resellers that i know of.  but if you dont wanna go that route of buying shoes you can buy and sell shoes on stock x.  now dont get wrong stock x and goat has ALOT of options of shoes to choose from...some of the resell is high as shit and some you can catch for the love.  at the end of the day i am very careful because now a days fake shoes has gotten better and i would hate to pay 300+ for a shoe and get it in hand and later found out that they are fakes.  i would be pissed off! id be better off buying from the "smart" reseller if thats the case.

Limited she releases:

This year I've taken nothing but L's on EVERY YEEZY THAT HAS DROPPED.  my friend is still holding a pair for me for retail (which i still need to buy lol) but its just crazy that i am unable get a pair...Every shoe now is either a drawing from footlocker,  and if it is a first come first serve you still gotta worry about the back dooring.  the only way i feel i have a fighting chance is the nike app lol Ive taken multiple L's on BOTH travis scott's 1 highs and lows and the resell on those shoes is between 500-1000  ....the shit is wack...when i buy a shoe i actually want the shoe...AGAIN...WHEN I BUY I SHOE I ACTUALLY WANT THE SHOE!!! i cant get with this buying a shoe and reselling it...i feel like i am wasting my time trying to "get these shoes off"  the shit is pointless...for example.:

Travis Scott 6's
This shoe came out this past weekend...and it was either two or three ways you were gonna get this shoe...foot action at selected areas..., travis scott website (dont even bother lol)  or the snkrs draw.  I entered the drawing ready to take my L...on Friday i legit was on my motorcycle on my way to get a lineup and pulled over to enter the drawing and went about my business knowing i was gonna lose.  after an hour later i checked my email and noticed this.
MAAAAAAN I LOST MY SHIT...I WAS HAPPY AS HELL...i legit jumped up and down like i just hit the game winner over craig ehlo
Called one of my friends and told him the good news and the first thing he said was :

"you gonna flip them bitches?"


and here's my reason why and i will break it down to you as to why i will not sell my pair.  For starters right now the only people that really has their pairs in hand are the people who did next day shipping and the people who got their from foot right now the demand is pretty high because people like me dont even have their pair in hand yet...So right now in my size that shoe is going for at good ole 700 bucks.dont believe me go look..matter of fact here's a screen shot of em right now

YOUR ACTUALLY LOSING PROFIT ON SELLING THIS SHOE! Lets also break it down alil more as to why you are actually taking a small profit...your not really gonna make 700 off that shoe after fee's and such...again lets break it down how much stock x would be taking if i were to sell that shoe for 700

you really getting 621.25 for that shoe...not really paid 265 for this shoe (yes i am including shipping) actually made a whopping 300 bucks off that shoe when you really think about it.  and i bet your sitting here like 

YoU cAnT sElL sHoEs On StOcK x FoR fReE tHeY gOtTa MaKe ThEy MoNeY tOo

Yes i get that.  but the old school sneaker head in me would just rather sell them myself. you can sell them on shoe sites and get your money through paypal invoices. or you can goto a sneaker event and barter a good ass trade for em. or sell em hand to hand (which i would not do in today's world) there are other ways to get rid of these shoes if i wanted too...but i wont....i finally got something thats considered limited in todays world...i still have my OG cool greys XI's and they were considered limited back in my day (old man laugh)

In no way i am dissng stock X ...i actually use their site to see whats the going market for shoes if i wanted to buy something from someone i just think as far as selling on there is not the way to go for me .

at the end of the day this whole new way of buying sneakers sucks and needs to change.  make more shoes and stop this limited shit.  peace.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Let's try this again.p

I haven't posted here I'm a long ass time but that's gonna change. This will be another form of an outlet for me to clear my mind. Certain things I may mention and certain things I will not.

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Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Random thoughts 2017 part 1

Play this song will reading.

Supporting people vs people supporting you

Ive been thinking about this alot.  because to be honest? its been bothering me alot....I've notice that everybody wants you to support them in whatever they do but they don't support i try when i can...if you know me you know if i know you are legit and good at something i am going to recommend you when the chance pops up.  The problem i am having now is that maybe i think i am supporting people too much.  because it seems like i am sort of being used...its always can i do this for them or do that for people...but when it comes down to when i need help with something they are nowhere to be found. now lets be clear this is not a cry for help post but i am seeing how most people have been treating me and i am not liking it.  So for now on there will no more handouts...I've notice i help more people out rather than focusing on my own craft. last time i checked i have goals i would like to reach as well but where is the support? nowhere to be found.

So i figured i start just doing me...continues helping my family and bruhs and such...but outside of that? ima just fall back and just see how shit plays out for now on....i will not give you advice on your shit because at the end of the day i don't get paid for my advice's...i am not a consultant or whatever...i actually wanna get in the game and play rather stay on the bench dammit.

Re-branding my YouTube channel:

Man what can i actually getting back into the swing of things on YouTube is kind refreshing.  Reason why is because i get to start over....that means i actually have to think about what kind of content i am going to put out rather than me just cutting on street fighter and have the viewers watch me get pissed off about a random lag match.  This gives me the chance somewhat show people that i am just not a video gamer with a YouTube be honest Ive been always doing videos before YouTube took off i was just on face book...and actually my old blog page (sideshow TV) is still up lol...So what i am gonna do with my channel is the following:

- Gaming
- Vlogs (pretty much video blogging)
- Product reviews
- Recording my trips to different states and such (vlogging pretty much lol)

Later down the road i plan to get some brand deals for my channel and maybe do some partnerships as well...i would really like to see this channel grow now that i know exactly what i want to do...the problem is time and to figure how i am going to go about it.  I am pretty much a one band man...all editing , recording , making thumbnails and wording is all i do and people thinks that's really easy to do...when its not....the issue that i am having right now is the wording of my titles and my thumbnails...the content is there (in my opinion) but i am lacking at attracting people to watch said content...

Another thing i would like to work on is collaborating with other You Tubers...that's the hardest thing to do...the people with a following will not respond or the people that near your level don't want to work with you because they are afraid that they will lose subscribers.  I honesty see that working out for the both of us because it shows your subscribers who i am and my subs can do the same...but that's not how it works...only people i see collabing with each other are the people that already popular on YouTube...i wanna get in that will be hard work but i'll get there...

Ima leave at that for now... check out my YouTube - DeeDogg and if your not a subscriber you should sub! peace

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Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Is it too late to learn adobe premier?

So When i started getting into making videos i was always using sony vegas....reason being? it was so easy to first i was using windows movie maker but i out grew that because i felt i was limited as to what i could do in windows movie i switched to sony vegas....when i started using vegas it took me some months to getting used to it and once i knew what i was doing i hit the ground running.

While sony vegas was out there was another software called adobe premier....for some reason i just cant crack it (meaning i cant get used to it). ive been off and on using this software but for some reason it seems too damn difficult for me to use.  One reason i will point out is that it is not user friendly at all lol....everybody on youtube...well mostly everyone uses it....they say its something all youtubers should friend even told me to just stick with sony vegas because its the software that makes your videos look great....its the creator....

Dont get me wrong i am not bashing it by any means...its just that i cant for the love of god understand it at all lol everything is not in the right place where it should be IMO where as in vegas they have everything laid out as soon as you open it up lol

So in conclusion ive decided to stick with vegas and slowly learn a thing or two in in adobe premire...i dont know how long it will take....but i'll figure out how to do all that cool stuff in sony vegas for now...